The ALPHA-9 unit consists of 9 sworn Deputy Sheriffs. All 9 members
are S.W.A.T. certified either through the North American Swat Training Association (NASTA) or New River Tactical
N.A.S.T.A. is a Columbus Ohio based company, and New River Tactical is a local Hico based training
company. The team is trained and equipped to handle a variety of potentially dangerous situations. The
team maintains tactical certifications, and continuously trains for various types of operations. The team
was compiled on a volunteer basis, as the members are full time Road Deputies and volunteer their off-duty time for monthly
training and maintenance.
ALPHA-9 has conducted missions for Federal Agencies operating the Southern District
of West Virginia. The team has also conducted missions for agencies within Fayette County, as well as in several other
regional Counties. The team is always available to support other area agencies in southern WV, and are always willing
to provide its assets accordingly.
*Active Shooters
*Hostage Scenerios
*High Risk Arrest Warrants/Federal and Local
*Barracaded Subjects
*Fugitive Apprehensions
*Support Drug Task Force Operations