The Detective Bureau consists of three sworn Deputy Sheriffs, that are based
out of the Fayetteville office, as well as a civilian Crime Scene Technician. The Chief Detective of the Bureau is Sgt.
Glenn Chapman and is assisted by Deputy Sheriffs Cpl. James Pack and Cpl. Rodney Perdue, and complimented
by civilian Forensic Specialist Amy Nibert. The Bureau is responsible for the investigation and oversight
of all felony cases that are recieved by the Road Patrol Division. They are subject to 24 hour call-out, and maintain
the departments' crime scene mobile unit, as well as all surviellance and forensic equipment.
The Detective Bureau works in close conjunction with the Fayette County
Department of Health and Human Resources, Child Protective Services and handle a multitude of various crimes against children,
adults, and property. The Detectives also serve as consultants to the Road Patrol officers for technical and legal advice.